• الحمدللہ محدث فورم کو نئےسافٹ ویئر زین فورو 2.1.7 پر کامیابی سے منتقل کر لیا گیا ہے۔ شکایات و مسائل درج کروانے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں۔
  • آئیے! مجلس التحقیق الاسلامی کے زیر اہتمام جاری عظیم الشان دعوتی واصلاحی ویب سائٹس کے ساتھ ماہانہ تعاون کریں اور انٹر نیٹ کے میدان میں اسلام کے عالمگیر پیغام کو عام کرنے میں محدث ٹیم کے دست وبازو بنیں ۔تفصیلات جاننے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

Blessing of Mother’s Dua/Prayer: Saved from a Raging Fire

محمد ارسلان

خاص رکن
مارچ 09، 2011
ری ایکشن اسکور
The boy was of an adolescent age. He was driving his car at full speed when it was run over by a truck in a head-on collision. The fuel tank of his vehicle caught fire and exploded before people came to his rescue. The car was engulfed in flames in no time. The accident was so dreadful that everybody watched in horror. A great number of people gathered at the spot in a short while. People got out of their vehicles to look at the scene. Some courageous young men ventured to pull the victim out from the car wreckage. Everybody was sure that the young man must have been burnt alive completely. Lo and behold, the place resounded with shouts of Allah-o-Akbar (God is Great) and La Ilaha Illallah (There is no god but Allah) as the young man emerged safe and sound. It was so incredible. Such a fatal accident, but the guy escaped without a scratch. Every face at the spot was beaming with joy.
A person from the crowd of onlookers came near the young man and asked, "Do you remember something good that you have done because of which Allah Almighty might have saved you from such a raging inferno."
The young man replied, "I work in Jeddah. Today as I received my salary, I went all the way from Jeddah to Rabigh where my mother lives. I put all my salary into her lap. Her joy knew no bounds. She was extremely happy as to how obedient and loving I was. Then she raised her hands to God and was lavish in prayer for me. While praying the following words sprang to her lips, 'My Lord! Always keep my son, the piece of my heart, in Your Divine Protection.' Thus my mother's prayer in my favor has been answered. I pleased the mother and in return Heaven has saved me in the fatal accident." (Sa'atan-wa-Sa'atan, Page 156)
(from Loving Our Parents: Stories Of Duties & Obligations by Abdul Malik Mujahid, published by Darussalam Publishers & Distributors)
See details of book (English): http://goo.gl/YIQygC
See details of book (Urdu): http://goo.gl/WPjA6i