• الحمدللہ محدث فورم کو نئےسافٹ ویئر زین فورو 2.1.7 پر کامیابی سے منتقل کر لیا گیا ہے۔ شکایات و مسائل درج کروانے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں۔
  • آئیے! مجلس التحقیق الاسلامی کے زیر اہتمام جاری عظیم الشان دعوتی واصلاحی ویب سائٹس کے ساتھ ماہانہ تعاون کریں اور انٹر نیٹ کے میدان میں اسلام کے عالمگیر پیغام کو عام کرنے میں محدث ٹیم کے دست وبازو بنیں ۔تفصیلات جاننے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں۔

Sea Creatures

محمد ارسلان

خاص رکن
مارچ 09، 2011
ری ایکشن اسکور
Scientists draw our attention to the wonderful world that swims in a drop of water, and invite us to ponder the living creatures in it, coming and going; how amazing their bodies are! Watch them as they seek their provision, attack their prey, flee from their enemies. All you can do is acknowledge that just as man has feelings, similar feelings also reside in the hearts of creatures too small to be seen.
The ocean is full of life. The number of species that exist in the seas is far greater than the number of species that exist on land.
The creatures that live in the sea are of several different kinds, and new species are still being discovered, such as plankton those tiny creatures the number of which in a single cubic mile is a seventeen digit number, in other words billions upon billions of these creatures exist within that area.
The sea is an enormous ecosystem comprising small fish upon which large fish feed. It is inhabited by thousands of remarkable creatures showing an amazing diversity in physical characteristics and behavior. For example, the killer whale travels in all directions, wandering the sea like a lion in the jungle. It has sharp teeth and unimaginable strength; it can attack ships and wreck them. Other remarkable sea creatures include the jellyfish and other tiny invertebrates. The sea also has birds of its own, noisy birds with big bodies and loud voices, with wingspans of up to fifteen feet. These birds can continue flying for hours on end, and it is said that they sleep on the wing, soaring in the sky!
It is sufficient to think of the millions of fishermen who spread their nets in the sea and catch millions of tons of fish every hour, and it is as if the sea is not depleted by their fishing!
The depths at which various sea creatures live vary; each level has its own kinds of creatures living in it. We will speak of a few examples out of the millions that live in the sea and testify to the greatness and might of their Creator.
[from "Scientific Miracles in the Oceans & Animals" by "Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad", published by Darussalam, 2010]
See details of Book: http://goo.gl/nN7Ayg
See details of eBook: http://goo.gl/8Sw3uZ

محمد نعیم یونس

خاص رکن
رکن انتظامیہ
اپریل 27، 2013
ری ایکشن اسکور
سبحان اللہ

اللَّـهُ خَالِقُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ ۖ وَهُوَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَكِيلٌ ﴿٦٢﴾
اللہ ہرچیز کا پیدا کرنے والا ہے اور وہی ہرچیز پر نگہبان ہے۔
یعنی ہرچیز کا خالق بھی وہی ہے اور مالک بھی وہی وہ جس طرح چاہے تصرف اور تدبیر کرے ہرچیز اس کے ماتحت اور زیر تصرف ہے کسی کو سرتابی یا انکار کی مجال نہیں وکیل بمعنی محافظ اور مدبر ہرچیز اس کے سپرد ہے اور وہ بغیر کسی کی مشارکت کے ان کی حفاظت اور تدبیر کر رہا ہے۔
"تفسیر احسن البیان"