تھانوی شریعت ، بہشتی زیور ____ اور محمدی شریعت،قرآن و صحیح حدیث
سو جانے سے وضو ٹوٹ جاتا ہے
شیخ ابو عیسی نعمۃاللہ نے شیخ محمد بن صالح العثیمین کی الشرح الممتع علی زاد المستقنع پڑھاتے ہوئے یہ ظمنی طور پر بتایا تھا:
In my opinion, when a person goes to sleep, he will not make wudu when he wakes up unless he has gone proper to sleep. There’s like the world’s funniest athar in human history in this. Shaykh Abdullah al-Judai showed us the athar and he said it’s sahih. One of the companions – was sitting cross-legged nodding and eventually fell asleep. He wakes up, turns around and says ‘you didn’t hear anything did you?’ Then turns to another person and says ‘you didn’t smell anything, did you?’ He got a negative from both. Ya’ni no I didn’t hear anything, no I didn’t smell anything. He goes ‘khalas, then’ and he stood up and he prayed. So why is it that sleep is a reason? It is madhinat al hadath. The likelihood of you passing wind whilst you’re asleep is huge.
But as we see from so many of the sahabi, those who are sitting cross-legged and therefore physiologically, it’s a lot more difficult to pass wind because of some anal sphincter flex going on there. Sitting cross-legged is the safest position (even if you go
to sleep proper) to avoid passing wind. The action and the statement of the companion is a proof of what he realizes is the issue with sleep.
For him sleeping means nothing. For him, the issue is whether you broke your wudu or not via passing wind, urinating, XYZ, whatever. If that didn’t happen, then sleep for him is like any other day. It’s like walking in the street. To explain the issue of incontinence, in my opinion (and this is the Maliki opinion) I’ve written a detailed paper about this that I put together with Shaykh Kehlan and in that I don’t consider the making of wudu to have any actual physical ruling. Imam Abu hanifa, Imam Ahmad, and Imam ash-Shafiʿi said you must do the wudu because they do see it as there is a hadath that has to be lifted in some fashion.
یعنی ایک صحابی چوکڑی مار کے بیٹھے ہوئے تھے کہ سو گئے تو اٹھ کے دائیں بائیں پوچھا کے آپ نے کچھ سنا یا سونگا تو نہیں؟ نفی میں جوان کی صورت میں اٹھ کر نماز پڑھ لی۔
یعنی نیند سے بیدار ہونے پر وضو کی اصل وجہ\علت یہ ہے کہ سوتے ہوئے ہوا خارج ہو جانے کا بہت زیادہ امکان ہے۔