- شمولیت
- اپریل 14، 2011
- پیغامات
- 1,121
- ری ایکشن اسکور
- 4,480
- پوائنٹ
- 376
wraiter :raza hassan
Was Abu Haneefah a Tabi'ee?
Was Imam Abu Haneefah a Tabi'ee? The Muhaqqiqeen (researchers) of Ahnaaf are also divided into two groups. Most of them consider him a Tabi'ee, and among them also, there are two sub-groups. Some consider him a Tabi'ee with regards to both Riwayat (Narrating) and Ruwiyat (Seeing), but most of them are those who consider him a tabi'ee with regards to ruwiyat (Seeing) only, and reject the riwayat (Narrating). Allamah Shibli Nu'maani is also of the view of Ruwiyat (Seeing) only, and he does not accept the view of Riwayat (Narrating).
Therefore he (Shibli Nu'maani) says:
"Some Hanafis (Such as: Abdur Raheem Limbada, "the chief innovator"), while exceeding in their claim of ruwiyat (seeing), have even claimed of Riwayat (Narrating), and the surprising thing is that Allamah Aynee, the Explainer of Hidayah, is also involved in this Mistake, but the truth is that, this claim does not reach to the level of authenticity. Whereas, Abul Muhaasin has gathered all those narrations in Uqood ul-Jamaan with their chains through which it was thought that Imam Sahab has heard from the Companions. Then he has researched them with the Principles of Hadeeth and has proven that they are not at all, proven."
[Seerat un-Nu'maan Pg 35]
The Truth:
But the truth is contrary to this claim also, and the correct researched position is that, Imam Abu Haneefah has neither gained the oppurtunity of narrating, nor seeing of any Sahabi (Companion).
Whatever, is usually presented to support the position of riwayat (Narrating) is already rejected by Shibli Nu'maani and we will also discuss that later, but those narrations that they present to prove the Ruwiyat (Seeing), are also dropped from the position of authenticity, rather in the light of Usool, they are non-existant and extinct, which were forged after the Khairul Quroon, which we will discuss also.
Even though the later Hanafi Scholars have laid many claims of the riwayat and ruwiyat of Imam Abu Hanifah from Sahaba, to the extent that some of them even claimed the meeting of Imam Abu Hanifah with 26 Companions [Tarikh al-Fiqh Pg 97]
But they all are mere basless claims, for the proof of which, the claimer has no evidence or proof.
So let's come and observe one by one, how far are these claims to the reality.
We will observe the claims of riwayat in this part, and then ruwiyat in the other part
for more:http://www.albisharah.com/
Was Abu Haneefah a Tabi'ee?
Was Imam Abu Haneefah a Tabi'ee? The Muhaqqiqeen (researchers) of Ahnaaf are also divided into two groups. Most of them consider him a Tabi'ee, and among them also, there are two sub-groups. Some consider him a Tabi'ee with regards to both Riwayat (Narrating) and Ruwiyat (Seeing), but most of them are those who consider him a tabi'ee with regards to ruwiyat (Seeing) only, and reject the riwayat (Narrating). Allamah Shibli Nu'maani is also of the view of Ruwiyat (Seeing) only, and he does not accept the view of Riwayat (Narrating).
Therefore he (Shibli Nu'maani) says:
"Some Hanafis (Such as: Abdur Raheem Limbada, "the chief innovator"), while exceeding in their claim of ruwiyat (seeing), have even claimed of Riwayat (Narrating), and the surprising thing is that Allamah Aynee, the Explainer of Hidayah, is also involved in this Mistake, but the truth is that, this claim does not reach to the level of authenticity. Whereas, Abul Muhaasin has gathered all those narrations in Uqood ul-Jamaan with their chains through which it was thought that Imam Sahab has heard from the Companions. Then he has researched them with the Principles of Hadeeth and has proven that they are not at all, proven."
[Seerat un-Nu'maan Pg 35]
The Truth:
But the truth is contrary to this claim also, and the correct researched position is that, Imam Abu Haneefah has neither gained the oppurtunity of narrating, nor seeing of any Sahabi (Companion).
Whatever, is usually presented to support the position of riwayat (Narrating) is already rejected by Shibli Nu'maani and we will also discuss that later, but those narrations that they present to prove the Ruwiyat (Seeing), are also dropped from the position of authenticity, rather in the light of Usool, they are non-existant and extinct, which were forged after the Khairul Quroon, which we will discuss also.
Even though the later Hanafi Scholars have laid many claims of the riwayat and ruwiyat of Imam Abu Hanifah from Sahaba, to the extent that some of them even claimed the meeting of Imam Abu Hanifah with 26 Companions [Tarikh al-Fiqh Pg 97]
But they all are mere basless claims, for the proof of which, the claimer has no evidence or proof.
So let's come and observe one by one, how far are these claims to the reality.
We will observe the claims of riwayat in this part, and then ruwiyat in the other part
for more:http://www.albisharah.com/