ڈاکٹر ذاکر نائیک کہتے ہیں ہمیں اپنے آپ کو
"سلفی" نہیں کہنا چاہیے-اور یہ غلط ہے ا
ور یہ بات ابن تیمیہ رحم الله اور ابن العثیمین رحم الله سے ثابت ہے - اگر کوئی سلفی مجھ پر انگلی اٹھاتا ہے تو وہ شیخ ابن العثیمین رحم الله پر انگلی اٹھاتا ہے : (انگریزی زبان میں اقتباس)-
No. 65- Salafis Say Dr. Zakir Naik.s Reseach Is Shoddy & Shameful : The Salafi author of the Book “A Reply To Zakir Naik’s Accusations On the Ahlul Hadeeth And Highlighting some Issues of Concern” writes that
Dr. Zakir Naik said, “ The climax of the 2005 lecture, 'Unity in the Muslim Ummah', was Dr. Zakir Naik's presenting quotes of Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimahullah) and Allamah Ibn al-Uthaimeen (rahimahullah) which, according to him, prove that calling oneself Salafi is wrong. After presenting his proofs, Dr. Zakir even thumped out, "So, any Salafi who points a finger at me, will have to point a finger at sheikh (Ibn) Uthaimeen." ………………..Thus, giving his audience the impression, that what he is about to say is based on knowledge and contact with scholars, but you will be amazed at the shoddy research that Dr. Zakir has relied upon to levy his heavy accusations. Dr. Zakir has basically based his refutation on two small booklets; a) 40 Hadeeth on the Call to Islam and the Caller - by Shaikh Alee al-Halabi, b) Until when will we differ. And he did not even read these two booklets properly, nor did he understand anything of the issue! …… Dr. Zakir did not read this small booklet; instead he most probably relied upon a shoddy research by one of his Englishreading research assistants. And if the research is indeed his, then it is even more shameful that after reading a small booklet - and that too poorly ………………
So, Dr. Zakir's claiming that Shaikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah considers wrong the use of any descriptive words apart from Muslim is a BARE-FACED LIE!
[Reference : “A Reply To Zakir Naik’s Accusations On the Ahlul Hadeeth And Highlighting some Issues of Concern”-- Courtsey: www.Zakirilogic.com - Chapter 8 Shoddy Research,Tall-Claims and False Accusations]